Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Facebook, I love the message

KSoo,, I was skyping with Nikki Mansson and Paschal Mwambene... It was freaking hilarious cause I got this after spamming both of them:

Warning! You are engaging in behavior that may be considered annoying or abusive by other users.

Facebook's systems determined that YOU WERE GOING TO FAST when posting on walls. You must significantly slow down. Further misuse of site features may result in a temporary block or your account being PERMANENTLY DISABLED. For further infor...mation, please visit our FUKK YOU page.
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♥ thnk you and pay attention to the capitilized words ♥

It was soo freaking funny, like one of those funny things that you cant stop laughing at.
Oh and BTW, Nikki Mansson edited it soo yah.
I laughed at this thing for like 15 minutes, Goosh!
It was like the best thing that happened to me since I arrived in Malaysia.

After that I was also on skype with Anne Gilstap, I sent her that thing and she was laughing her arse off.
She's an AWESOME dancer!
She loves dancing.

Now its 2:30AM
Still on skype with Nikki Mansson while waiting for Anne Gilstrap to come back on. :)
Anyways! That's it soo far for today, <3
Luv Y'all! <3

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