Friday, March 18, 2011

Wangsa Walk

There's nothing much to talk about.
But there is something that I want to talk about.

I went to Wangsa Walk met my friends, and some other people. The boys didnt make it, soo it was like a Girl's day Out.
I Arrived at like 11:31AM, I thought I was late 30 minutes.
I was wrong, well, I was late but not like the "latest" cause Lee Jasmine and Rachel Lee Hui Yi arrived at like 10:50AM.
Soo yah, we had to wait for Izra YeeChul, Sarah Suznan, and Aini... something.
While waiting, we went around, bought some drinks, and then, Athirah (That's how you spell her name right?) arrived, with her grandma. She was really friendly just like her grand-daughter. Really nice people!
We waited until like 12+ or 1+ I don't remember.

They arrived...
We went up to the ticket counter and bought like 7 movie tickets for Big Mommas: Like Father; Like Son it was like RM11.
Bought food, drinks.
Oh and before that, we went to A&W to grab out lunch.
Anyways, after watching the AWESOME movie, we went for lunch, again, at Auntie... something. Walked around for a bit.

And then,, went into the bowling Alley with Izra YeeChul, Lee Jasmine, and Rachel Lee Hui Yi. Had some awesome silly time with em in the bowling alley while the others eat at Auntie... something.
We went down, and up again, and down, and up, again.
Waited for a bit cause the Bowling Alley was full.
And it was our turn to play.
I did like 3 throws and then I had to leave, cause it was already like 5:30PM and my dad was waiting at Bangi Kopitiam.

I gtg to sleep now.
(Is actually skyping with Nikki Mansson)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Its 9:34AM
I'm really excited to go to "Wangsa Walk" and meet my friends.
I woke up at 6:04AM and then I went back to sleep again until like 7:00AM+
I'm in my mom's office right now.
She's going to send me to "Wangsa Walk" later on, and around 5:00 or something, my brother's going to pick me up.

Soo now,, since Facebook, Youtube, Habbo and the other similiar sites are blocked, all I can do is Blog. :P
I finished eating my Nasi Lemak! "Yey!"
Also, I'm listening to "Sinar FM" - "I Follow". It's like my parent's favourite station and "I Follow" is probably their favourite section.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Facebook, I love the message

KSoo,, I was skyping with Nikki Mansson and Paschal Mwambene... It was freaking hilarious cause I got this after spamming both of them:

Warning! You are engaging in behavior that may be considered annoying or abusive by other users.

Facebook's systems determined that YOU WERE GOING TO FAST when posting on walls. You must significantly slow down. Further misuse of site features may result in a temporary block or your account being PERMANENTLY DISABLED. For further infor...mation, please visit our FUKK YOU page.
Please enter the text below
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Text in the box:
♥ thnk you and pay attention to the capitilized words ♥

It was soo freaking funny, like one of those funny things that you cant stop laughing at.
Oh and BTW, Nikki Mansson edited it soo yah.
I laughed at this thing for like 15 minutes, Goosh!
It was like the best thing that happened to me since I arrived in Malaysia.

After that I was also on skype with Anne Gilstap, I sent her that thing and she was laughing her arse off.
She's an AWESOME dancer!
She loves dancing.

Now its 2:30AM
Still on skype with Nikki Mansson while waiting for Anne Gilstrap to come back on. :)
Anyways! That's it soo far for today, <3
Luv Y'all! <3

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


What's happening to the world?
Before it was Haiti and now... its Japan!
It's totally coming to an end. (I hope not)
I'm sure the world's not going to end in 2012.
Ofcourse it's not.
I feel really bad because of Japan.
I have really good friends in Japan. (Dima Aunan, Issei Kawamura, Ayano Kawamura etc)
Darn man!
I hope nothing happens to Malaysia.
I guess... All we can do is watch and pray.

"I close my eyes and I just see a better day, I close my eyes and Pray"

Beautiful songs are made, but it doesn't really make any difference.
Oh, and by the way, its Ayano Kawamura's birthday and I hope she survived.
Happy Birthday Ayano! and have a blast!


Skype, skype, skype.

I skype'd with Afiq Nazmi for like freaking long time.
It was cool, pretty funny.
Internet was pretty messed up today, but I made it.
The cool thing about talking with Afiq Nazmi was that I could tell him anything cause I know he'd keep it as a secret.
I added a few people (Jasmine, Rahim etc...)
Oh look! He's on again.
And he's calling me!
Greaat..! No I mean seriously.
I'm pretty bored right now, nothing to do but Blog.
It's like 12:27AM right now,,, still early...
I guess.
I think that's it for right now, I might post another one in less than 1 hour. I bet you I'd to that.

P.S: I have a cat called Chad. ;)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sweden - Malaysia

Beautiful country, beautiful weather, beautiful family.
Now that I'm in Malaysia, I've started a new life since last year (I'm not sure when last year, but last year)
I've met my family members (Cousins, uncles, aunts, grands etc...) I've got some friends that I met in Sri Utama School, they're rich people and also really nice people. I've also met some good people in my school now, SMK Wangsa Melawati, but it's still very different from my other friends in Sweden. How they're different? Well in every possible way that you can think of. For example, the way of living, the personality, just everything. It's really hard for me to forget about Sweden even when I really really try to get over with it. I think, its because, Sweden is like my country my home country. When people talk about the safety, in Sweden, you can go anywhere without having to worry about anything, but in Malaysia, you cant, you have to keep your eyes open all the time, because anything can happen.
I'm still missing my friends (Obviously) I still talk with them via Facebook or Skype. I just get very excited when I know that I'm going to talk with 'em.
Soo yeah, this post is only until here.
Probably going to post in a week or in a month.
Oh and BTW, I'm having Exams this week.
Wish me Good Luck. <3